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With Christmas approaching and also being a season for many brides and grooms in Ho Chi Minh city, a 2-piece bespoke tuxedo is an ideal tailored choice. The Sages Modern Bespoke has just completed a tuxedo for groom Phu Hoang with a 3D body scan to deeply understand the body’s silhouette. The entire tuxedo is constructed with Full-canvas on the Milan Superlight fabric line, providing a light and airy feel for the wearer in tropical weather conditions.

A sophisticated tuxedo will undoubtedly make you stand out when attending Year-end Parties at the end of this year.

  • Structure: Full canvas
  • Brand: Milan Superlight
  • Completion time: 16 days

Book an appointment for a new-generation bespoke suit for the modern individual today.

2-piece black tuxedo tailored by The Sages Modern Bespoke

ClientNguyen Phu HoangDateNov, 2023FabricMilan SuperlightShare