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The first step is to familiarize yourself with the world of tailoring, because the more you know about it, the more you will understand what your suit requires and what the distinguishing features should be. The Sages Bespoke feels that the canvas interlining is the most significant piece of information to know out of the information ocean for your first step in the tailoring world. We will explain what the canvas is and why it is important to you.

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In the tailoring world, canvas is often compared as the inner secret of a suit jacket. Canvas is often made of horsehair mainly (or occasionally camel hair). The canvas is compared to the suit’s secret since it is a feature that strongly influences the shape and quality of the garment. Suits are typically tailored within one of two canvas constructions: full canvas – covering the whole front panel and half canvas –  running from shoulder to the waistline.




A suit jacket or blazer with a full canvas construction is considered to be the finest quality and premium construction. True to its name, the canvas layer in a full canvas structure will be sewed in front from the shoulder to the hem. Full canvas is the most advanced since it keeps the shape of your entire body in front of your jacket and is handcrafted by skilled tailors. However, one thing to keep in mind about full canvas structure is that not all textiles should utilize this jacket structure due to the cost and tailoring time aspects. The full canvas construction is typically employed with high-quality fabrics or in the high-end suit level.




Half canvas – the structure that covers from shoulder to the waistline, is the second and most typical canvas construction in a matching set. The half canvas structure only holds the shape of the upper body and lapels of the jacket. The tailors will add in an extra layer of fusible interlining beneath the canvas so that the structure is seamlessly connected from top to bottom. Although it mainly serves to flatter the wearer’s upper body, half canvas is a more common choice than full canvas, due to the lower cost of this construction. This is the typical structure you will see in tailored suit segment since it is more cost-effective.




Unlike the other two structures – full canvas and half canvas, no canvas represents the wearer’s freedom. Your suit jacket will be fully unstructured and appear much thinner with no canvas. No canvas will fit people who value comfort and prefer their blazer or tailored suit to be as informal as possible. This structure is not recommended for individuals seeking office formality or formal events.




Suits made of synthetic plant fibers are created in order to keep up with the sustainable development trend. Vegan suits have a high potential to become a future trend. The material for the inner construction of the vegan suit will be different from that of a standard suit because it is composed completely of plant-based components. Instead of canvas, the vegan suit will employ man-made fibers or hemp fibers to replace the canvas layer while still maintaining the suit’s quality.



At the opening of this article, we had emphasized the impact of canvas on the worth of a tailored suit. This influence stems from a variety of factors, including quality assurance and the tailor’s needed effort.




As mentioned above, the canvas construction serves as a structure, maintaining the shape of the jacket and flatter your body. In addition to canvas, there is another structure that is quite popular and frequently seen in quick-tailored suits: fusible interlining.

Fusible interlining is a structural class that is used to replace canvas directly. Because canvas requires a lot of expertise, it normally takes about 3 to 4 days for the tailor to create the canvas structure for a suit jacket, thus fusible interlining is a speed solution for quick suits within 6 to 24 hours. For fusible interlining, the craftsman will often glue this interlining to the jacket fabric, then iron it flat to cause this layer to cling to the body, substantially reducing the completion time. 

In addition to the benefits listed above, fusible interlining has significant drawbacks in terms of quality and longevity. After a couple of times wearing it, the fusible layer that is adhered to the fabric will begin to gradually loosen as the glue dries, causing the appearance of air bubbles on the jacket body, causing loss of aesthetics as well as greatly affecting the suit’s quality. So, if you’re just starting out in the world of tailoring, think and prioritize tailored suits with canvas structures in order to assure the quality.




One of the first factors influencing the value of a tailored suit is its quality. Canvas, as opposed to the poor durability of fusible interlining, provides a more sturdy and durable quality to your outfit. As stated at the start of the article, canvas is utilized in order to help flatter the wearer’s body.


The tailor’s effort is another factor that influences both the price and the value of your suit. Tailors, like many other people, will devote a significant amount of effort to create high-quality suits. Canvas constructions, in particular, that need tailors to spend many days of hand stitching, should undoubtedly be a worthy incentive, which ready-to-wear suits frequently cannot match.




Knowing the market pricing of tailoring is an important consideration when you are starting off. Let’s talk briefly with The Sages Bespoke about the market’s tailored suit’s price categories in 2023. The market price of tailored suits is currently divided into four major segments: the affordable sector, the popular segment, the high-end segment, and the luxury segment.

The affordable category is typically more ideal for persons with insecure financial means or those who have recently entered the world of tailoring and have had their first encounter with tailoring. A decent men’s suit in this section will cost between 1,000,000 VND and 7,000,000 VND. Suits in this category will frequently feature fusible interlining or half canvas, but the fabric quality will be low.

Meanwhile, the standard sector is the segment picked by the majority of people due to its safety and price-quality balance. Men’s suits in this category will have a half canvas structure as well as a high grade fabric with a smoothness ranging from Super 100s to 130s. A fashionable outfit will cost between VND 8,000,000 and VND 20,000,000.


The high-end (premium) segment follows, which begins with persons who have a stable financial situation. The starting suits in this section will have a full canvas construction (some individuals like half canvas), and the fabric quality is also more advanced. A premium men’s suit will cost somewhere between VND 20,000,000 to VND 90,000,000.

The final and most expensive segment is the luxury segment. A suit in this price range is often worth 100,000,000 VND or more. However, everything in this area will be one-of-a-kind, expensive, and of the finest quality. Men’s suits in this category will be made with a full canvas framework that hugs the shape, high-quality fabric from luxury fabric manufacturers, and smoothness ranging from Super 160s to Super 180s.


More information on how to get a good tailored suit with reasonable price in 2023 can be found in the article: 

After reading this article, you should have a good understanding of canvas and why it influences the worth of a bespoke men’s suit. If you have any queries or would want to learn more, please call +84 886 219 608 or connect with our Facebook fanpage.