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Sometimes when you wear a shirt, the other person feels that you are suitable or not suitable for that type of shirt, but neither you or that person understand why. That’s because different types of shirts will create different visual effects on each person. So, perhaps a headache situation that we often encounter is not knowing the types of collar that will suit our face. Let’s find a way to solve this difficult but easy math problem with The Sages.

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Best Collar Styles For A Round Face

If you have full cheeks with a rounded jaw line, then collars with narrow points will help to thin and lengthen your face. Opt for a classic Windsor collar when wanting to dress formally, or a simple button-down shirt when dressing casual. For those looking for something a little different, a pin collar is a great option. Collars to avoid? Any that have a wide spread – these will make your head look larger and wider, which in effect will shorten your neck.

Best Collar Styles For A Diamond Face

For men with pronounced cheekbones and a pointed chin, we suggest a cutaway collar with a low, wide stance; this will help create the appearance of a wider jaw. To avoid the opposite, stay away from narrow designs such as the button-down and classic point.

Best Collar Styles For An Oblong Face

Oblong faces tend to appear with a curved, U-shape jaw, so the best collars for you are those with a wide spread. Designs like the cutaway will help to balance your face, making it look broader and stronger. Stay away from long narrow points, as these will lengthen and weaken your appearance.

Best Collar Styles For An Oval Face

If you are fortunate enough to have an oval face, you needn’t really worry about your collar. Because your face is naturally well balanced and symmetrical, all styles will suit you. When you’re choosing a new shirt, it’s a matter of personal preference, so have fun experimenting with a variety of styles to work out your favourite.

Best Collar Styles For A Square Face

Similar to gents with a round face, those with a square jaw line are best suited to point collars – the forward-point and button-down would make stylish choices. Collars to avoid are those of the spread variety. These will only make your face appear wider and far fuller.